• . Commented on Health benefits of green tea could be boosted by consuming it with gotu kola

    Rn ran green tea naturally wife I'd state but fraudef them many marriages gotu kola for martial arts beats cancer

    May 13,2024 05:54pm

  • . Commented on From the private family collection of Thomas and Lorna Jackson

    Perhaps there is a Sri Lanka or Ceylon honours list. Try a search.

    May 05,2024 10:49am

  • . Commented on Ceylonese planters also perished at gallipoli

    Seeing all these pictures certainly brings back happy memories as a planter in Sri Lanka, and then 5 years as a "Colombo Agent" at Whittalls, with John Banks as my immediate Boss. Leaving Sri Lanka was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do, but it was by choice, for good reason. Merrill J Fernando was special friend, and a neighbour when he bought Melton from Jean Maitland. David Schokman.

    May 02,2024 09:31am

  • . Commented on The Largest Tea Bush – Pitaratmalie Estate, circa 1962

    In Gardner was Ian Gunewardene and, when he migrated to Australia in 1970, he changed his surname to Gardner (chosen so that he did not have the bother of signing documents etc. with an unfamiliar signature!).

    May 02,2024 01:43am

  • . Commented on Jews Of Sri Lanka: An Untold Story

    The Jews after the 70AD, dispersed all over the globe. They married high ranking Europeans and even into Royal family, and in turn the women brougth a lot of dowry for the cash strapped nobles and kings. Hence their DNA has mingled over the world, just like the Lord promised Abraham in the Bible. The Pushtan race in Afghan has been verified as descendants of Israel. Ethiopian and Indian Jews are accepted into Israel.

    May 02,2024 01:39am

  • . Commented on Oonankande

    In 1950 it was supervised by Mr E W Bedford with Mr M S Nadarajah.assistant till it went for sale by the uk owner.Then Mr E W B and Mr M S Nada went to Gangwarily Estate owned by Mr E W B. til he went bancraft and his illhealth.

    April 20,2024 05:23pm

  • . Commented on Frits Bogtstra wird Executive Chairman bei Malwatte Valley


    April 20,2024 04:34am

  • . Commented on G.O. LeMottee

    He was my grandfathers

    April 19,2024 04:52am

  • . Commented on H.L. Oswell

    Harold Oswell moved on from eduragala to Sanquar which became his permanent billet. There were other tea estates but he kept coming back to Sanquar.

    April 18,2024 07:52pm

  • . Commented on Kalutara and its Pioneer Rubber Planters

    One of my Bowman relatives invented a special 'gadjet' for gathering the rubber 'milk' We used to make rubber balls with the rubber 'threads" 'we found.around these containers At our plantation near Baddegama the wanderoo were also interested in the rubber trees and threw down the seeds. ! We used to collect. I was naughtly and made hand imprints in a tray full of white rubber milk/ The rubber tree another 'gift' from S.America

    April 15,2024 05:32pm

  • . Commented on Radella

    Keith Paul, then manager of Radella Estate, and a guest in the lovely manager's bungalow garden (in the late sixties?).

    April 15,2024 04:16am

  • . Commented on Radella

    Ronnie Lushington was manager of Radella in 1952 when I was creeping on Glenlyon, Agrapatana. He went to Dewalakande as manager having handed-over to Reid-Wilson..

    April 15,2024 03:46am

  • . Commented on Kalupahani

    I am curious to find out who the listed know "wirekoon" is?

    April 13,2024 05:01am

  • . Commented on Oonankande

    Sadly Oonankanda is no more .Even the bungalow has been demolished

    April 07,2024 06:17pm

  • . Commented on Castlereagh

    this is simply not true

    April 05,2024 01:36am

  • . Commented on A Day in the Life of a Planter

    Well written Anura with absolute facts and details from creeping to retirement. What great times we had as Planters in the good old days. Planting and the training made us what we achieved in life like no other profession. Great write up brings back great memmories of our planting carrieres.

    April 02,2024 07:04am

  • . Commented on Hindagalla Group

    Call me

    March 19,2024 02:08pm

  • . Commented on A Brief History of Henfold Estate

    Sally along with her brother's Patrick & Rory were childhood friends of mine & would visit then very reguarly, as my Mother & Mrs Moore very good friends. I lived at the TRI and last saw Sally in June 1967 , when we left the TRI to go to West Africa. I think her parents (Geoff & Kathleen (Kath) retired to Devon, around Tiverton & last saw them all (except Sally) in the early to mid 1970's. If you're still in contact with her & her brothers, please send them my regards. Thank you

    March 17,2024 10:06am

  • . Commented on A Brief History of Henfold Estate

    Are you sure it was not Geoff Moore? He and his wife Cath along with their children, Patrick, Sally-Anne and Rory I believe , occupied the estate during that time. It was an estate I use to visite very frequently as a child, when my late father was a Senior Research Agronomist (Clive Foster-Barham) working at the TRI a short distance way at St.Coombs from 1959 to June 1967. As a young boy, Geoff had fallen out with his family, ran away to sea and duly emded up at Henfold. He retired in the early 1970's to East Devon.

    March 17,2024 09:32am

  • . Commented on Dewalakande

    I thought I had commented here some time ago on the fact that Dewalakande was a rubber property posted on a tea website but I cannot see it now. Hence, I will repeat now what I wrote before. Dewalakande and Dunedin belonged to The Ceylon Tea Plantions Co., Ltd. and Troy belonged to The Ceylon Proprietary Tea Estates Co., Ltd. and the three units were run, from Dewalakande, as group totalling some 1750 cultivated acres.

    March 15,2024 03:48am